Mineral Utilization Regimes – ANM

Mineral Utilization Regimes – ANM

To carry out mineral research or extraction, it is necessary to follow rules and procedures defined by the National Mining Agency – ANM. In order to start this activity, the interested party must define in which Mineral Regime their substance of interest fits, and thus proceed with the Application with the ANM.

In this text we will bring information about each of the regimes and their main characteristics, namely:

  • Authorization and Concession Regime
  • Licensing Regime
  • Mining Permit Regime
  • Extraction Regime

The Mineral Exploitation Regimes were defined according to the category of the enterprise, type of substance, destination of production and the way in which this substance will be extracted.

Let's go into a little more detail about each of them?


Authorization and Concession Regime

The Authorization and Concession Regimes can be used for all mineral substances, with the exception of those protected by monopoly (oil, natural gas and radioactive mineral substances).

Within this category, the miner must make the Research Request.

The Research Application aims, within a period of 2 or 3 years, to carry out the research work and define a deposit, that is, to qualify, quantify and spatially locate the mineral substance of interest. It is worth mentioning that this period can be extended for the same period of 2 or 3 years. The value of the fees to make this request is R$1,012.73.

Maximum Areas that can be explored under the Authorization and Concession regime:

  • 2,000 ha: metallic mineral substances, fertiliser mineral substances, coal, diamonds, bituminous and pyro-bituminous rocks, peat, and rock salt;
  • 1,000 ha: ornamental and coating stones, and other mineral substances.
  • 50 ha: mineral waters and table drinking waters; sand, when suitable for use in the manufacturing industry; feldspar; gems (except diamonds) and decorative stones, collector's and for the making of mineral handicrafts; and mica.
Authorization and Concession RegimeAuthorization and Concession RegimeAuthorization and Concession RegimeAuthorization and Concession Regime
Authorization and Concession Regime

Within this category, the holder of the Research Permit may choose to request the Usage Guide – GU, which enables the experimental mining of the substance being researched.

The GU is authorized only on an exceptional basis , and its purpose is to use mineral substances before the granting of the Mining Concession. The amount to make this request is R$6,889.51.

The following situations are considered exceptional:

  • Assessment of the technical-economic feasibility of mining the mineral substance in the national and/or international market;
  • Extraction of mineral substances for analysis and industrial testing prior to the granting of the Mining Concession; and
  • Marketing of mineral substances in view of the need for continued supply of the substance to guarantee the market, as well as to finance research.


Licensing Regime

The Licensing Regime can be used for substances that are immediately used in civil construction , such as:

  • Sand, gravel and crushed stone, when used in natura in civil construction and in the preparation of aggregate and mortar;
  • Siliceous-clay material, gravel and grit used as borrowing material;
  • Rocks, when prepared for cobblestones, curbs, gutters, posts or paving slabs;
  • Rocks, when crushed for immediate use in civil construction.
submit a License Registration Application to the ANMsubmit a License Registration Application to the ANMsubmit a License Registration Application to the ANMsubmit a License Registration Application to the ANM
By opting for this regime, the miner may mine in a maximum area of ​​50 ha and must submit a License Registration Application to the ANM. The fee for submitting this application is R$204.13.

Prospecting Mining Permit Regime

The Prospecting Permit Regime applies to prospecting mineral substances , such as gold, diamond, cassiterite, columbite, tantalite and wolframite, exclusively in alluvial, eluvial and colluvial forms. Sheelite, rutile, quartz, beryl, muscovite, spodumene, lepidolite, other gemstones, feldspar, mica and others, in the type of occurrence that may be indicated by the ANM.

The Permission for Prospecting may be granted to a Brazilian or to a cooperative of prospectors for a period of 5 years, and may be renewed if approved by the ANM.

extraction are of the PLG Regimeextraction are of the PLG Regimeextraction are of the PLG Regimeextraction are of the PLG Regime

The extraction area of ​​the PLG Regime cannot exceed 50 ha for an individual or individual firm, up to 10,000 ha in the Legal Amazon and 1,000 ha for other regions, for a mining cooperative.

When opting for this regime, the miner must apply for a Permit for Small-Scale Mining; the cost of this application is R$204.13.


Extraction Regime

The Extraction Regime is restricted to substances for immediate use in civil construction by direct or autonomous administrative bodies of the Union, States, Federal District and Municipalities, for exclusive use in public works carried out by them.

This regime has a fixed term and considers the needs of the work to be carried out and the extension of the area described in the application, with a single extension being authorized.

The maximum area permitted for this regime is 5 ha.

When opting for this regime, agencies, states or municipalities must submit an Extraction Registration Request.


If you still have questions about the subject or if you need advice at each stage of your Mining Process, count on Saga , we have highly qualified professionals to work on your project.


References Consulted

ANM. https://www.dnpm-pe.gov.br/Legisla/Guia/indice.php

ANM. https://www.dnpm-pe.gov.br/Legisla/Dec_98812_90.htm#Art.%205%C2%B0

ANM. https://sistemas.anm.gov.br/dipar_externo/cobranca/emolumentos.asp