What are REEs?
Rare earth elements (REEs) are a group of 17 chemical elements that have similar physical and chemical…
Rare earth elements (REEs) are a group of 17 chemical elements that have similar physical and chemical…
Sampling is one of the fundamental processes to characterize a mineral deposit, and is done in several stages of the…
Not only in the real world are we fascinated by minerals and metals, but they are also present in the universe of…
The growing commercialization of electric cars, smartphones and other electronic devices strongly drives the increase in…
Geological Modeling is the process of converting and reconstructing geology and its processes into a 3D computer model.…
The Grand Canyon is an extensive plateau and river valley region characterized by steep and deep canyons carved over…
Copper was one of the first metals to be discovered and mined by man. After iron and aluminum, copper is the third most…
Iron Ore is one of the most well-known, exploited and needed metals in the world. Australia, Brazil and China are the…
Brazil is a major agricultural producer, being the world's fourth largest exporter of agricultural products, meeting…
The growing global demand for less polluting energies has corroborated a global trend of diversification of the energy…
The recent mission of the American Space Agency (NASA) completed 7 months, with the landing of the Perseverance rover al…
Mineral prospecting is a fundamental step for the discovery and characterization of a mineral deposit. A prospective…
Uranium, classified as a chemical element, is identified by the symbol U and has an atomic mass of 238. In nature, it is…
The discovery of niobium dates back more than 200 years, its name is a reference to Greek gods and its fame grew notably…
Geological mapping involves the realization and recording of objective geological observations – in the field – for the…