DMT Corescan – High technology in core logging

DMT Corescan – High technology in core logging

The DMT CoreScan is a versatile device designed to obtain high-resolution images of complete or fragmented core cores and their digital storage in color.

In full scanning, the cores rotate 360° around their axis, while a fixed camera parallel to the axis of rotation performs the scan. The core is scanned at a rate of 20 sec/m and the image can be stored in BMP, JPG or TIF.

After image recording, the system allows the creation of a digital library that facilitates the management of data from the analyzed core core data, in addition to enabling petrographic analysis and qualitative structural analysis and core


The CoreScan system consists of:

  • DMT CoreScan 3 (state-of-the-art scanner system);
  • DMT CoreScan UV (UV fluorescence imaging device);
  • DMT CoreBase 2 (analysis and database software).


The digital borehole imaging and logging system provides:

  • High-resolution testimony recording;
  • Database with global accessibility;
  • Accurate image of the core and its petrographic/structural analysis;
  • Quantitative analysis of fractures;
  • Witnessing orientation;
  • UV fluorescence imaging.

See the demo video below:


The DMT CoreScan has the following main applications:

  • Exploration drilling in mineral deposits such as: metallic minerals, oil, gas, coal, and others;
  • Sedimentological investigations;
  • Structural investigations;
  • Scientific drilling projects;
  • Underground research for geotechnical studies, geothermal energy projects, final disposal of radioactive waste, etc.;

DMT CoreScan 3: Generation of high-resolution images in 360º or in the core box itself.

The DMT CoreScan3 acts in two ways: The 360 mode generates high-resolution images of the entire circumference of the core cores. In flat scan mode, an entire core box can be scanned, resulting in a detailed image of the cores. Images are recorded in true color with a resolution of up to 10 pixels/mm (254 dpi) and details up to 40 pixels/mm (1016 dpi).

Scanning system

– 360° mode: scanning of the total circumference of the hole

– Flat mode: 2D analysis of single core or core boxes

Fast scanning system

– 360° mode: 20 seconds per meter;

– Flat mode: 30 seconds per box;

Imaging System:

- High resolution system (40 pix/mm)

Software DMT CoreBase

With the evaluation system of the DMT CoreScan, the user has the functionality to create a digital library with integrated and organized data from the core cores with advanced search functions.

Other important features of the system are the structural and petrographic analysis of the core cores, the generation of lithological columns, the definition of change zones and geotechnical parameters (RQD, FD, FS), and the rapid construction of hole logs:

CoreBase (DrillCore Digital Library)

DMT CoreBase is a Data Management System that includes a digital library of the analyzed testimonies.

CoreImage Analysis

With CoreImage Analysis you can gain important insights such as:

  • Differentiation of mineral phases;
  • Mineral content (absolute and percentage);
  • Grain size distribution (particle size curve);
  • Grain sphericity (roundness, convexity, ellipticity, rectangularity);
  • Porosity (absolute and percentage);
  • Generation of lithological columns;
  • Definition of change zones.

CoreStruture Analysis

  • Software for quantitative structural analysis;
  • Geological structures are evaluated by capture routines (foliation, joints, faults, veins, folds, etc.);
  • The orientation of the hole and its structures are presented graphically, and in the case of deviated holes, the diving direction of the structures is corrected directly;
  • Geomechanical parameters: RQD, FD, FS.

Geotechnical Analysis

With the DMT scanning system, it is possible to perform:

  • Scanning of cores at speeds of up to 300 m per day;
  • Structural analysis of borehole cores and stereographic projection;
  • Derivation of geomechanical parameters (RQD 10, 20, 30) and characterization of fractures;
  • Creation of a library of cores and logs with quick search features;

More information can be found on the DMT website: